The wig that fooled everyone

Who doesn’t love protective styling? And if a style can double as protective and cute then it’s a win-win, no? This will be my third time trying out Sensationnel’s Bump Hair and I love it!

3 weeks post installation

3 weeks post installation


A few days post installation

Installation & styling

I bought two packs and had it installed as a U-Part wig. My hairdresser used the ‘bra-strap’ wig cap which was the best part of it all because Continue reading

Hydration Nation: ‘New’ hair products?

Thirsty Hair Fix #1

I cannot begin to explain my struggle with finding a good moisturising deep conditioner. At the beginning of my HHJ, I used and fell in love with Elasta QP DPR-11 until one day my hair just stopped responding to it. It was like the kid who found out she was allergic to chocolate.  I tried so many deep conditioners since then, including Queen Helene’s Cholesterol Deep Conditioner and Neutrogena Triple Moisture Daily Deep Conditioner, both of which left me nursing disastrously dry hair. I was at my wit’s end searching the most popular hair blogs and websites. I had pretty much tried most things on this list that were available locally before I decided that my hair was just temperamental and nothing these HHJ gurus recommended would work. I even tried baggying and co-washing but nothing would give.

Then last Saturday, I was in Beauty Exchange in St. Peter shopping for shampoo when I discovered Continue reading

Curly hair, don’t care

I’m always in a bit of a bind after the first two weeks post-relaxer. My hair isn’t as flat and straight any more, but I’m trying not to use heat. My only other alternative? Curls! Thus far I’ve tried a number of options for heatless curls and I’ve found that some work better at different stages post-relaxer. For me, bantu knots work wonders when I’m no longer completely straight but the new growth hasn’t set in yet. Bantu knots give me a bigger, more wavy curl than flexi rods or braids outs, but I find that they take longer to set at night and don’t come out as bouncy if you don’t use a moisturizer when setting them. I secure them with hair pins and cover my head with my satin bonnet. In the morning I rub some coconut oil on my fingers before taking them down. Finally, I finger comb to conceal the parts and style as desired. Voilà! Big, beautiful wavy curls (and it’s considered a low manipulation style…. score!)


Do bantu knots work for you?

Smooches! xx